Fußbodenheizung – Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Table of contents

The most important things in brief

Comfort: Underfloor heating ensures even and pleasant warmth throughout the room.

Energy efficiency: Low flow temperatures save heating costs and are ideal for renewable energies.

Space-saving: No need for radiators, which offers more design flexibility.

How does underfloor heating work?

Underfloor heating distributes heat via heating pipes or heating mats laid in the floor.

  • Heat source: Warm water is passed through the pipes via a heat generator (e.g. heat pump or gas heater).
  • Heat emission: The stored heat rises evenly and warms the room from below.
  • Control: Thermostats and mixers control the temperature precisely.

Types of underfloor heating

wet system

Features: Heating pipes are laid in screed and covered with concrete.

Advantages: High heat storage, ideal for new buildings.

drying system

Features: Heating pipes are inserted into special panels, no screed required.

Advantages: Quick installation, ideal for renovations.

Important components

fixed value control sets

Features: Keeps the flow temperature constant, ideal for existing heating systems.

Advantages: Cost-effective control for underfloor heating in combination with radiators.

Click here to see our fixed value control sets.

heating circuit distributor

Features: Distributes the heating water evenly across different heating circuits.

Advantages: Optimal control of the individual rooms for maximum efficiency.

Click here to see our heating circuit distributors.

mixers & mixer motors

Features: Regulate the temperature of the heating water by adding return water.

Advantages: Precise control of the flow temperature for energy-efficient operation.

Click here to see our mixers and mixer motors.

advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: Pleasant radiant heat, space-saving, energy efficient.

Disadvantages: Higher installation costs, slower response time than radiators.

possible uses

Ideal for new buildings, renovated old buildings and combinations with heat pumps or solar thermal systems.

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Would you like a consultation?

Our experts will be happy to assist you. Together, we will plan an efficient and sustainable heating solution that is precisely tailored to your needs.

Contact us now for a free consultation!

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