Holzvergaserkessel – Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Table of contents

The most important things in brief

Sustainability: Wood gasification boilers use wood as a renewable energy source and enable efficient combustion.

Efficiency: Thanks to wood gasification technology, they achieve high levels of efficiency and clean combustion.

Subsidies: Government funding programs offer attractive subsidies for the purchase of a wood gasification boiler.

How does a wood gasification boiler work?

A wood gasification boiler uses a two-stage combustion process to enable particularly efficient use of wood.

  • Wood gasification: In the first chamber the wood is heated and wood gas is released.
  • Afterburning: The resulting wood gas is burned in a separate chamber at high temperatures.
  • Heat utilization: The heat generated is fed into the heating system via a heat exchanger.

advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: High efficiency, low fuel costs, CO₂-neutral energy source.

Disadvantages: Manual filling, regular maintenance required.

costs and subsidies

Classic wood gasifier: From approx. €7,000.

Combined models: From approx. €10,000.

Funding: Up to 45% subsidy from BAFA and KfW.

possible uses

Wood gasification boilers are suitable for single-family homes, farms and buildings with high heat requirements.

Click here to see our wood gasification boilers.

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Our experts will be happy to assist you. Together, we will plan an efficient and sustainable heating solution that is precisely tailored to your needs.

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